New phone snafu

My lovely daughters are hard on phones. In 1 year, they have gone through 3. I was due for an upgrade when they broke the last one, so I went and purchased the new LG Cosmos. They just started selling this model on Black Friday. They should just put it back where it came from. I gave the girls my phone, a Samsung Rogue, which I LOVE, deciding to take the new phone for myself. I hated the new phone. Completely NOT user friendly and cheaply made. Highly disappointed as I have had LG phones before and liked them just fine.

I lasted 24 hours with the new phone. I went today and had the numbers transfered so I could have MY phone back! Yay! Rethink the LG Cosmos. Just this reporter’s opinion 🙂

The World According to Garp

I have only just begun this novel that documents the life of fictional characters Jenny and her son Garp. So far, it is what I have come to understand about John Irving:  offbeat prose, strange characters, sexual tension, and several incidents that defy normality as we know it. If there are people out there that resemble Irving’s characters…well, let’s just say, I’d like to see them for myself.

A Prayer for Owen Meany

What can I say about John Irving? Well…

I can say that I have read A Prayer for Owen Meany from cover to cover and that I was amazed. I loved it; couldn’t put it down. As for a synopsis of the book? Almost impossible to give. It is about life, love, friendship, loss, finding who we are, God, family, and so much more.

***That being said: I have since picked up A Widow for One Year, The World According to Garp, and something about a Twisted River…not sure of the title of that one….it was that bad. I read 195 pages of Widow and just couldn’t read anymore. It was dull, the characters were annoying, and the plot was non-existent. A Prayer for Owen Meany doesn’t follow a typical plot either, but for that story, it worked because the characters were people you came to love. To be fair, I have only just begun Garp, but is not growing on me as of yet. I will give it a few more pages, but so far, it just seems weird; populated with annoying characters, and Irving’s typical oddball sexuality.

November 6, 2010

Tonight I am celebrating the life of a wonderful lady who I will miss tremendously. I met her when I was 18 and began dating her grandson, who later became my husband. She wasn’t my granny by blood, but she was family in every way that matters. She will always be loved, and she will always be missed.

Harry Potter is coming!!!!!!!

As previously mentioned, I am a HUGE dork about some things. Harry Potter is one of those things. Part one of the 2-part finale is coming on the 19th! I certainly hope that the movie does the book justice. I also have been hearing rumblings that author J.K. Rowling is contemplating writing more Harry Potter books at a later date. That would be nifty.

See? Big dork =)

Together We Can

And the winner is…Not my kid.

Every year, the school my children attend participates in what is called the Reflections program. It is a program that promotes awareness about all types of issues. The children choose a medium to get the message out through (literature, visual arts, photography, video, or musical composition). This year the theme was “Together We Can”, and my daughter decided to participate. She drew a nifty little picture of penguin parents and how they both work together to take care of the baby penguins. It was very cute, if I do say so myself. However, the judges apparently didn’t agree.

But I digress. The point is, my daughter, the shy one, participated, and stood on stage with her award for participating, and smiled for the photo I took, as well as the group photo for the yearbook. But that’s how it is when you are a parent; she could have drawn a picture of cat crap, and I would have been there smiling away.