My Poor Thing One

We went to the surgeon’s clinic for Thing One’s pre-op appointment. The doc took one look at her and said he can’t operate. See, Thing Two came down with the nasty head cold flu that has been going around making everyone here miserable and half-dead.

I prayed. I begged.

Thing One came down with it the very next day. And because she is MY child and weird shit is simply par for the course, she got it worse than anyone else in the house. So far she has missed 3 days of school, from being sick. After 4 days and zero improvement ~in fact, it got worse~ I called the doctor. They of course told me that they are booked solid and that I should take her to urgent care.

Ummm, fuck that.

The same urgent care that ignored my broken heel 3 separate times. The same urgent care that let Thing One’s finger get the point that it needs this damn surgery in the first place because they didn’t take us seriously and said it was a sprain.

Again I say, fuck that.

I told the doctor’s nurse (we are all on a first name basis since they deal with me and the Things so often) that urgent care is trying to kill us and that if Thing One is to have the surgery on the 30, as Doctor Hot Surgeon Pants wants to do, then Thing One needs to be sorted, ASAP, and not by the urgent care incompetents. They agreed to see Thing One the next day, although she was being squeezed in, so the wait would be long.

I had to have the Man Child (now that he’s 18, I really need to call him something else, huh?) take off of school to take her, because I have missed too much already and am running out of sick days for the year. I still have to get through the day(s) off for her surgery, the twins’ follow up appointments with all of their specialists, and the Man Child’s cardio appointments that begin in 3 more weeks.


Anyhoo, he took Thing One.

Acute bronchitis, ear infection in both ears, and the start of an eye infection. W.T.F.?

We have meds, inhalers, drops. All in hopes of clearing this crap up before Friday so the surgeon can operate on her hand. Which we won’t know the extent of the damage until he opens her hand up. We found out last week that this could be multiple surgeries to correct. MULTIPLE. She is pretty stoked that she basically gets to miss P.E. for the remainder of the year, though. Ahhh….to be 14 again.

I need a vacation.

Something I’d like to do…

Start the much-needed Molest a Fireman Day.

It seems that California has an exorbitant amount of HOT firemen. I have a fire station at the bottom of my street, about one mile away, and damn if there aren’t a number of men there that I need to climb as if they were trees. I see them at the grocery store (which is across the street from the firehouse), and out front of the station washing the fire engines and bent over, out front, pulling weeds…However, my most favorite is when they stand on the corners of busy intersections in little clusters to raise money. Smiling…muscles…sometimes doing push-ups…in their gear and navy blue t-shirts…

Holy hell.


hot firemen

Can I have one? Please? I’ll be super good.


Thing One…Again

About 2 months ago, my beautiful Thing One was cracking her knuckles. She said she felt a pop, and that there was instant pain. I waited it out for 3 days, but on the 4th day it was swollen. purple, and could obviously not wait another day to see a doctor. Off to urgent care we go.

Xrays were taken and we were given a splint and told it was nothing, a sprain.

It wasn’t a sprain.

Almost 2 weeks later, she had lost complete movement at the center knuckle, with severe pain in lateral attempts at moving, and it was still slightly physically disfigured. At this time, she had her regular appointment with the pediatric specialist that the twins see for their autoimmune disorders. The doc took one look and ordered an MRI, disgusted that it had gone on so long with nothing done about it.

The MRI took 3 weeks to happen.

They called me hours after the MRI claiming that they needed to do it again, because they didn’t come out the way they were supposed to. Next day, MRI again. Four days later the results were in: Torn tendon, needs immediate appointment with pediatric orthopedic specialist. We had that appointment today.

Surgery next Friday. 3 month recovery (if not longer), lengthy occupational therapy to follow.

Moral of the story: Don’t crack your damn knuckles.

Mom’s consolation? The surgeon is frickin’ HOT.

Oh, the hypocrisy. But, are you REALLY surprised?

Huh, so an idiot made a comment he should be flogged for, and liberals run through the streets decrying “Inciting Racism!”, “Fox news spouts lies, LIES I TELL YOU!”

I am at a loss as whether or not to laugh at their hypocrisy and the fact they are too fucking stupid to see it, or cry because as long as the liberal mindset exists, this country is fucked.

Making fucked up race- bating commentary:


Fox news? 1…okay, maybe 2.