Easy by Tammara Webber

ImageI love everything about this book. EVERYTHING. The writing moves at a fluid pace. That along with characters that shine, a storyline that is strong and completely believable, and you have a read that will leave you wanting more. I cannot rec this one more than I already do. This is a sweet romance. This is a book you will reread.

Abbi Glines


**spoiler alert** This is one of those stories where if you don’t give it time to let the characters develop a bit, you might end up listing it as a DNF, which in this case, would be bad.Rush comes off as the world’s biggest prick at the beginning of this book, magnifying the innocence of Blair (hate that name, so pretentious). Her personal situation is heartbreaking and you begin rooting for her right from the start. For me, liking a female lead character is a bit rare, I find them mostly TSTL, but Blair had me when she pulled a 9 to protect herself. Atta girl!

The story progresses quickly, but believably, allowing the reader to fall into the story, connecting with the characters and what is happening in their world.
Well written and neatly paced, it is defintely worth the $3.99 on nook or kindle.

Book two: I enjoyed this as much as the first book. Now, where’s book 3?

Wait For You by J. Lynn

ImageThis was a good story that needed editing. Editing aside, this is a solid entry in the new adult category, even though the main “issue” with Avery has been done a few times, and done better. In Cameron as a male lead, you have a character that is gorgeous (of corse), and thoughtful, and utterly smitten, and once again I find myself wanting to know where this magical man-land is where all the men love their women like that. This is a quick read, that had me turning pages, but at the same time, left me wanting in places. I feel like the big bad scariness that Avery and Cam had to overcome was just…meh, almost expected. In a sense, a bit boring, or let down once it ended.
That said, I will read book 2.. I just hope it is edited far better than this one!

**This is an original review that I have also posted on my goodreads account**

The Boy’s New World

My precious angel, my first born, my son, has made some great strides…no, strike that. He WILL BE making some great strides very soon, or he will be striding everywhere with my foot up his behind.

Last weekend, the man-child was given a car. It is not a new car. It is an old car. A VERY old car. But it has a new engine in it, it runs decent, and it looks decent, too (I never thought I’d call an Acura integra old, but its 22 years old!). He will be 17 this December, and yet, here we are, no license, no real desire to drive.

I just don’t get it. When I was 14 I was clipping pictures out of Auto Trader magazine and shoving car information down the throats of my mother and my grandpa (the potential car buyers), in the hopes that I would magically be allowed to drive if I just had a car in the driveway. 2 years be damned. When I turned 15 and 1/2, I signed up for driving school; just days after I turned 16, I was legally able to drive.

Him? Not so much. Not even with a car in the driveway. My first born is an idiot, apparently.

He’s got a car. He got his braces off today. He has parents who WANT him to drive (he can taxi the twins part time!!! YAY!!). And still…nada.

Maybe his desire to drive lives in the magical closet where the unicorns are.


Thing One and Thing Two play soccer

ImageThing One and Thing Two have decided to play soccer. So what do their father and I do? We IMMEDIATELY run out and sign them up. Within the hour, they also have cleats, shin guards, and new soccer balls.

Soccer practice and games, here I come! Thank goodness it is the off-season, so it is a learning/keep kids busy/have fun playing kind of thing. I just hope they enjoy it as much as I did when I played!

Here’s hopin’!

Beauty From Pain by Georgia Cates


This book ended up in a far better place than it began. It started out being too close in nature to 50 Shades of Suck, and I almost put it as DNF. At about the halfway mark, the author hits her stride and the story begins to have some feeling to it, you start to get invested in their world.
The cliffhanger is expected, and truthfully, a little dull, but I will be buying book two in May to see how it all plays out.

Colleen Hoover: Hopeless, Slammed, Point of Retreat


I could have simply made 3 separate posts, but it’s friggin Colleen Hoover, and all 3 books listed here are amazing, so I decided to put them all in one, hope that people see this, and read them.

Hopeless utterly blew me away. The writing is crisp, coherent, and cohesive. The characters are people you fall in love with, care about, root for, and fret over. The story takes you places you won’t see coming and leaves you wondering, WTH just happened? WTH was I just a part of? So touching, and wonderful. All I can say, is read it. Read it now.

Slammed and Point of Retreat are equally amazing yet completely different in the story they tell. I could not put either of these down. Book two is just as engaging as book one, a rarity in the New Adult genre.

I cannot speak highly enough about this author and her work. I truly hope to read more from her very soon.

Connected by Kim Karr

ImageI am currently reading Connected by Kim Karr. At the halfway mark, I can tell you that it started with an emotional bang, and has moved into a sexual bang (pun completely intended). There is a high level of romance here, and that is great, but if I have to keep hearing about how hot, gorgeous, sexual, etc. River is, I may just puke. It is being laid on a bit thick. He’s hot, got it. Now fuck him some more, because I can’t.

ETA: Oh holy shit! I just finished this book this morning, and all I can say is WTF was THAT?!!?!? The cliffhanger was from left field, when I was first reading it, but looking back, there WERE hints…just very subtle. And WOW! I can’t believe I have to wait until September 1 to read the conclusion!!!

I have rated the book 4.5 stars. The only reason it doesn’t get 5 is because it is a bit heavy on how beautiful everyone is. It is nice to be reminded every so often, but it is almost continuous; it grates on the nerves and takes away from the story at some point. Other than that? This book is IT. Drippy, sappy, romance, danger, mystery, love, loss…I imagine the hate will come in book 2.

Read on!