The toads have arrived

One broken washer -2 weeks after I FINALLY sell the BRAND NEW SET that’s been in my garage for 8 months? Check.

One senior out of 140 told he isn’t graduating- because he is a fucking DUMBASS-coming to harrass me to see “what else he can do to pass” ( the senior’s last day was last Friday). Check.

One irate father (of said DUMBASS) demanding a surpise attack meeting at 7 fucking a.m. to tell me that I gave his family “false hope” of DUMBASS graduating (he was about 10% short). Check.

One $20 cash donation for a retiring teacher who decided to write a very well worded and veiled fuck you all letter as his goodbye. Check.

One idiot principal who believes that I have to stand in the stadium tomorrow afternoon, 45 minutes after my work day ends, to practice handing my son his diploma at grad ceremonies. Check.

One twin who has to have 7, count them, SEVEN MOTHER FUCKING cavities filled over the next 2 weeks, due to whatever the fuck her autoimmune issue is (at least the doc believes it is playing a LARGE part). Check.

Aaannnnndddd one twin who has to have her wisdom teeth removed on Friday at the same time I am supposed to be at a critical summer school meeting (summer school starts Monday, on a campus I’ve never been to). Check.

Fucking toads.