
Dear Crampy, Bloaty, and Sleepy:

I am tired, so very tired of dealing with you three every month. You made my skin break out, cause paranoia, and my clothes too tight. I have dealt with you for many, many years now, and honestly, I think it is time for you three to hit the bricks.


Hostile for Days

Internet Explorer 9 Whoopty Doo

Is it possible to get a refund from something that was free? I just downloaded the newest version of good ole IE, and it blows. Everything is in a weird place, you can’t remove it, and you can’t change most of it. I tried to get back the old version and it wouldn’t let me. I know I am a computer retard, but this is ridiculous!

ETA: Okay. Got rid of it-FINALLY! Microsoft actually made something easy! Much happier now with the good ole  earlier version I was using all along 🙂

Internet Shopping

I love internet shopping; the stores you can visit in far away states or countries, the browsing that would normally take days, and the fact that I can do it at 10 p.m. in my sweats, sipping coffee and listening to music.

Victoria’s Secret is having their big panty and bra sale. FUN stuff, that. And, if you spend $100, you get free shipping. That is almost as good as having a half-dressed hottie load your bags in your car at the curb. Needless to say, I spent the $100. My big spending spree got me 2 bras, 5 panties, a nifty black sleeveless turtleneck, and some dark gray lounging pants, er, “yoga” pants ( I still don’t get the whole yoga thing, although I’m sure it’s perfectly lovely). So, yay! New girl stuff. Why lacy panties and bras are so damn exciting, I’ll never know.

Now, if I could only get some new boobies to go with the bras..that’d be fabulous.

The Poisonwood Bible

Barbara Kingsolver has yet to write a novel that is comparable to The Poisonwood Bible. I remember the first time I read it; not being able to put it down, caring for the characters and what would become of them. Would they make it out of the Congo? Would they all make it out of the Congo alive? The novel leaves no loose ends. In fact, there is a very satisfying conclusion where you get to see where the characters have moved on to in their later lives. The writing is crisp, detailed, and moving, begging the reader to see the Congo through the eyes of 5 very different characters.

It is about time for a re-read. Just in time for summer.

Cutting for Stone

I have yet to start this novel by Abraham Verghese, but I am told it doesn’t stay on the shelves for long. While chatting up the owner of the local used bookstore, she pulled a recently traded-in copy of this book from the pile behind her. She was just getting ready to put it on the shelf, and said as soon as she did, it would be gone. I have no real clue what it is about, I will post on that later, but I suppose it is decent if everyone is reading it and it has garnered 4.5 stars from over 1,000 ratings on Barnes and Noble’s site. I know it has twins in it, and that alone interests me 🙂

ETA: Still haven’t started it. Well, okay, I tried reading the first few pages…didn’t care for the author’s style; the words seemed forced to me, and it was confusing. Maybe I’ll try again later…

Are You F*ing Kidding Me?!?

So I’m sitting here, reading the daily news stories, relaxing from a long day of work, when I come across an article headline that I just have to click on so I can read the whole story. Judge bans prayer at Texas graduation ceremony.

I wrote recently about the circumcision nonsense in California, and what do you know? The shitstorm of liberalism just keeps coming. And what’s worse, some people just don’t get it. This is about a much larger concept: our freedoms being taken from us, one by one.

I am disgusted that in the same news cycle, there is an article about how employers have to be sensitive and allow transvestites to dress in drag in the workplace if they choose.  Are you kidding me!? We have to allow a fucking gay pride parade to march down our streets, but we can’t thank God in a valedictorian speech!? Perhaps if more people would start turning toward a higher power of some kind, the world wouldn’t be in the shape it is in. People have no morals and no values. Our society is being eaten away by a bunch of oversensitive weenies who haven’t the first clue about self reliance, self-worth, or national pride. Someone hurt your wittle feewings? Awwww…it’s okay! America will make it all better! We’ll ban freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom of choice, and while we are at it, we’ll get all those idiots who still have some self-worth and work ethic to pay for your healthcare, and your welfare, and the very legal system that is going to ban everything that makes you so very upset. All better? Good. Have some free housing too. Now, run along and go vote for more libtards!

The family that started this obsenity should pack their shit and get the fuck out of my country. In God We Trust, fuckers. One nation, under God, you asswipes. It is on our currency, our government buildings, and in the pledge to this country’s flag, the very flag that is defended by our soldiers who fight for GOD and country; soldiers who fight for YOU!!! Every president of this country has had to place his hand on a bible and take his oath of office (even this current twit. I’m surprised his hand didn’t burn and fall off), every person who has ever testified in a courtroom has placed their hand on a bible to be sworn in…I could go on, but why give the jackasses any more places to start hacking away at?

You might think that I am some uber religious person after reading that. I’m not. I am a believer though, and I definitely have my faith. But this is not about religion, and those people out there that think it is, are not thinking clearly. This about our country, our rights. What’s next? Telling me I can’t say the word congratulations to students who graduate because it might offend the students who were too fucking stupid to pay attention and pass the requirements for graduating?

I hope that I can hear the people at every Texas graduation ceremony shout God Bless America! from my porch in California.

***ETA: The following morning, I was BLESSED to read that some judges with some actual brains and morals have overturned this craptastic ruling. Now, if we could only get that dookie-head that made the original ruling off the bench…

Boy Wonder Moves Forward

Holy crap! He made it.

Boy Wonder has managed to pass his classes, and do so without needing a bat upside the head. Huh, perhaps he finally heard the words coming from my mouth about school and grades and homework! Who knew?!?

Friends whose children are younger than mine, often ask me if it gets easier, this parenting thing. The honest answer is no. Sure some difficulties pass with the age of the child, but others swiftly swoop in to take their place. Diapers and formula get traded for learning the word “NO” and how to use it at the most inopportune moments, for example. Carseats, cribs, legos on the floor, nap time, and the no-eating phase, have turned into monitoring homework, Facebook, and cell phone usage, checking out friends, talking about drugs and sex, learning to drive, and the ever-present teen angst and drama, generally intertwined with the snottiest attitudes and comments known to man. So, does it get easier? I say, pick your poison.

He will be 15 soon. Too soon. And next year, he will embark on that high school journey, and I will begin my journey toward letting my baby go.