Pardon My Rudeness

First, I have followers, which is weird, but in a good way. So thank you for that.

Second, I had no idea that there is an entire etiquette thing in blogland. See, I am technologically handicapped; half the time I have issues getting my stuff to post correctly.  As such, it has taken me forever to say thanks.

So, its not that I don’t care, or was being intentionally rude, I just didn’t know any better. Pardon my rudeness.

Driving Mr. I Don’t Wanna

The Boy has completed his 3 days of in class driving school, and goes to take his permit test on Monday. This is a monumental achievement given that he is almost 17 and has ZERO desire to drive. Okay, that’s not entirely true. He doesn’t want to drive because once he does, he has to actually leave his room, step away from the Xbox, and get a J-O-B. Such a filthy word.

He is fighting it every step of the way, and that’s fine. He has a rude awakening coming rather soon. He will get the same ultimatum my mother gave me. When you graduate, you will work, and enter college or a trade school of some kind, or you will have 2 weeks to find new arrangements. To some, that may seem harsh. To me, it is a life lesson that he MUST learn if he is to be successful. In my world, there are no handouts; if you want it, WORK for it. As a parent, it has been very hard trying to keep my children from falling into the entitlement mentality of the current government-created society. Argue it all you want, that’s what it is, and as a high school teacher, I see it countless times per day.

But I digress…Where did the time go?! Seriously. Where? I want that bright-eyed little turkey back. That booger that would run away from me simply so I would chase him, and laugh contagiously when I caught him. The smiley child who would climb on my lap with the Pooh blankie and a book, and demand I rock and read.  The boy who couldn’t say Piglet, but could scream “PIGGET!!!” at the top of his lungs at bedtime if we couldn’t find the small pink friend of Pooh Bear. The boy who went through a month-long phase of having to eat ALL meals in the bathtub. I miss that kid. That angel.

But ya know what? Sometimes when he sleeps, and the light from the hallway caresses his face just so, he’s there, my blue-eyed angel.


Inferno by Sherrilyn Kenyon (Chronicles of Nick 4)

Inferno_Cover__For some stupid reason, I always put off reading the new book in this series. Then, when I finally start reading, I want to kick my own ass for waiting so long. I am surprised each and every time, and I have no idea why. I am a huge Kenyon fan. I have read all of her Dark Hunter and Dream Hunter books, several times (big sigh, Acheron…), and I love them. Aside from Acheron, Nick is my favorite character (Crap. Maybe he’s tied with Acheron). I LOVE Nick. I cannot wait until these two versions come together. I just better get a BIG BOOK of adult Nick like Acheron got.

Just started this last night. Review to come. But while you wait, check out book one in this series, Infinity. You don’t have to have read her adult series to enjoy her YA series, but it makes it that much better if you do.

WTF was THAT?!? After finishing the book, I am left with Huh?, What? How? Huh? Can you run that by me again, please?

I am not going to give spoilers here, as there are many revelations that come to light in this installment of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Chronicles of Nick series. I really felt Nick come into his own in this book, and seem more like the Nick I love and drool over in the adult Dark Hunter books. For me, that has made this book the best yet; it is just a bit edgier, a bit darker, and a bit hotter. You can see and begin to appreciate the hotness that Nick will encompass.

This book focused on Nick, his powers, being the Malachi, and his connection with his father, as well as his connections with Caleb (who I also love). There are yet more hints as to who Nick’s future HEA will be with, and I have highlighted all of those passages in my nook for later reference.

I can only tell you to read it. Don’t be put off by the Young Adult genre label. It’s good. Read it.

The Forever of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorensen

ellaTotally forgot this was out today, and was pleasantly surprised to see it on my nook, all pretty and purple and paid for. I get the distinct feeling that I will be a tad disappointed with this one. Like it should have stayed a stand alone, as so many books should.

**Review to come**


5 lovely, somewhat steamy, definitely dreamy stars.

I was almost certain that this was going to be another one of those sequels that should simply have been left to the ether. It wasn’t. I was even okay with it being short on pages.

What I liked:

The characters: Micha and Ella are real, I swear they are. You can picture them; hear their words as they utter them; feel their happiness, pain, lust, and love. You don’t simply read about their journey, you walk the path with them. In some cases, you might envy them.

The plot: This is where I thought things would fall apart. What wasn’t said in the first book? So Micha goes on tour. Okay. Spend another 10 pages, wrap it up. No need for another 200+ pages, right? Wrong. There are friend issues, family issues, personal issues, issues with drinking to mask pain and loss, fighting, healing. There are words that need to be said by some, and silence needed by others. The story moved fluidly, few if any bumps, and ended sweetly and honestly with regards to the characters. For the first time in a long time, I didn’t feel rushed as a reader at the end of the book. This was done well.

What I didn’t like: …I’ll get back to you on that one.

Read the first book, and then read this one. If new adult contemporary is your genre, this read will not disappoint.

Next in this series: The Temptation of Lila and Ethan (The Secret, #3), due out October 22.

Next from this author: The Redemption of Callie and Kayden (The Coincidence, #2), due out August 6.