Dear Toyota

This is the actual letter I wrote to Toyota. I thought I’d share my irritation and annoyance with you all. I know several people who have also had less than stellar experiences with Toyota and I just wanted to let you know, not everyone out there thinks Toyota is fabulous.

October 8, 2015

To Toyota Financial Services
To begin by saying I am completely disgusted would give you an inaccurate picture of how I really feel. I cannot fathom how I dealt with Toyota’s total incompetence- at ALL LEVELS OF SERVICE- through TWO automobile leases. That’s right, the incompetence has spread all the way down to the moron at the dealership desk with the big tits and no brain who can’t transfer a call to the service department- AFTER THREE ATTEMPTS.
But I digress. I am currently writing because after finally getting away from Toyota, I received a bill for $714.57 for a car that had nothing wrong with it. I was over my mileage. I expected that bill. I have no problem paying THAT PORTION of the bill. HOWEVER, simply because I chose to finally get the hell away from Toyota’s incompetence and the lemon they sold me, I am being charged a $350.00 “Disposition Fee?” What the actual hell is a “Disposition Fee?” Well I can tell you that LaFonda, Uniquah, Ubiquita…whatever the hell her name was that answered the phone on behalf of Toyota didn’t know either. She was so stupid she finally hung up on me. I guess I overwhelmed her with questions she should have known the answers to.
And let’s talk about the calls, shall we? Since receiving this BOGUS BILL, I have attempted to call FIVE (That’s 5 for you morons who can’t read so well) times. But see, my original mistake was attempting to ACTUALLY CALL THE NUMBER ON THE BILL ITSELF, where is says, please call this number if you have questions about this bill. Huh. I did that. And would you dumbasses like to take a guess at what I was told? No? Okay, I will tell you. I was told that it was the wrong number!!!!! You’re shocked, I know. That was call number 1.
Call number 2 was the aforementioned Ubiquita, and we all know how that turned out. Call 3… now call 3 I thought I was actually making progress. And I was. Right up until another one of your stellar phone agents “transferred” my call. After 25 minutes on hold, I hung up. Gee. And I didn’t even call him a dumbass like I did LaFonda. Call 4 I attempted to do on my lunch break. This time when I called, I was told that there was no account information for me. FANTASTIC! Does that mean that you are admitting that the bill you sent me is BOGUS bullshit? Because that would be GREAT!!!!!
Call 5. That brings me to my 5th attempt to handle this BOGUS BILL. I called on a weekday during your written normal business hours and was told that your offices were currently closed and to please call back during normal business hours. It would seem that Toyota doesn’t know how to tell time. Even your computers are incompetent.
But wait! There’s more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I even went online to try and handle this! I tried to log in using my TFS account. Can you guess what happened next? Is the suspense killing you yet???? I DON’T HAVE AN ACCOUNT ANYMORE!!!! That’s right! Because I no longer own one of your pieces of shit, I no longer have an account!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, while my sarcasm and irritation, I hope, has made your day a bit hilarious, I also hope you that you get the point I am trying to make: Your customer service is abhorrent. First, sending a bogus bill to a customer, simply because they decided to walk away from Toyota, is no way to run a business. And for your information, I DID TRY to lease a third new Camry. I went to the dealership, test drove the car, had mine appraised. I told the sales rep to run my credit and send me some preliminary numbers, that I would come back and negotiate and handle the rest of the deal. He never called. He never emailed. Nothing. It was then that I decided to take my business elsewhere. After 5 years with Toyota, a loyal customer, and that was how I was treated? Blown off? And now a bill with a completely bogus, and might I add, unexplained, $350 charge on it? Second, having no system in place where customers like me can call and handle the bogus bills you send, in a timely manner, by people who are competent, is just asking-no begging- for letter like this and phone calls that involve screaming and foul language.
I would appreciate someone calling me regarding this matter, as I have tried to contact Toyota REPEATEDLY and in several different ways trying to resolve this issue, to no avail. Make sure the person you assign the unfortunate task of calling me has a brain. A brain is important because I have one, it is college educated, and it really loathes speaking to morons or people who think I am stupid.
And just to cover my bases for documentation as you have done yours:
This is an attempt (attempt number 7) by **************** to contact Toyota regarding the matter of a bogus bill.

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P.S. I have photos of the car, timestamped, that show there was no damage when I surrendered it for return. Perhaps you should hire more reliable employees.