The Stand

I could not believe when I walked to my bookshelf to grab my copy of The Stand to finally read it, it wasn’t there. I had never gotten a copy! I have a rather large Stephen King collection on my shelves, and I just figured I already had a copy.

So of course I immediately left the house to go to Barnes and Noble to buy the extended edition. 1,500 pages.

It took me 3 weeks to read it, which is an eternity for me. But I did finish it, and it wasn’t half bad. If you enjoy Stephen King, this is one you want to pick up. It isn’t my favorite by him, not even close, but it was a good, solid, entertaining read.

Ah, yes, I am officially old

No woman likes to be reminded of her impending mortality; that ever-encroaching beast. Today I received the sting of a back-handed compliment that has led me to write here, which I never seem to have time for anymore, and to continuously ponder my age.

The yearbook students on my campus conduct a survey every year regarding the teachers. The students get to vote on categories such as most likely to throw something at a student (I thought I was a ringer for that one), and the like. I was informed today that I was voted most like my mom.

I am at once flattered and horrified. Up until today, I viewed myself as a young-at-heart teacher, who really relates to the students and their high school experience. Come to find out, I make them feel at home, with enough edge to make them feel like I will ground them and take away their iPods if they get out of line.

Where oh where did I go awry? How did it come to this? I guess I have simply been deluding myself, and happily living by the ideals of ignorance is bliss. Perhaps if I forget that I heard it in the first place, it will just go away? Yeah, right. It will be in the yearbook, for the entire world to see, forever.


Getting old sucks.