Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain

QuietI know, right? Non-fiction! Shudder! Gasp! But when this title showed up as something I might like, on sale ($2.49) on Google Books, that might give me some insight into myself? Yeah, I have to read that.

First off, I will admit to skimming parts, as there are some sections that discuss extroverts or boring studies. However, the larger parts (so far at a third into it), are fascinating looks into how introverts behave alone, in groups (which aren’t all they’re made out to be), and why they behave that way. Mislabeled in society as anti-social, socially retarded, rude, mean, etc., introverts are largely overlooked in many areas of life.

So far, I am liking what I am reading. More to come!

I give this book 4 stars. If you are an introvert, as I am, there are some parts to this book that are confirmation, parts that are eye-opening, and parts that are simply interesting reading.

There was an entire piece on the how popular collaboration has become in the workplace. As a public school teacher, I can tell you that it is running a heavy-handed path through education as well. What I loved reading about it was how researchers are finding that collaboration has many downsides, most which are detrimental to the individual employee, as well as the productivity of those employees and ultimately the company.

I am not a fan of non-fiction, but this was worth the time and effort.

All I Want for My Birthday

Considering I will turn 40 two days after Christmas, I think for once, I can comfortably throw out some of that I want vibe.

Now, I have a perfectly lovely anniversary band that I have had for a long time. Not a thing wrong with it. It is tasteful, understated, and classy. I am not one for big, flashy, or loud. However, this

princess_bridal_set_sub2would make me a bit more sparkly. And at the crusty old age of 40, I need all the sparkle I can garner.

But being a public school teacher with enough student loans to kill a person (namely me!), something that is a complete indulgence, yet still in my birthday price range, is this

Coach goodnessI buy a new Coach purse every year during the day after Christmas/day before my birthday shopping binge. This is a must in Wordsmithland. I don’t splurge often, but when I do, it’s go big, or go home.

Because I am a So Cal native, I don’t like cold weather. in order to combat this treacherous time of year, these Uggsare a must. Stereotypically “California White Girl”, and I so don’t care. I love them. My feet love them. My wallet however, is another story. Maybe if I whine that I am going to be old and infirm, I can wrangle a pair?

Next up are the staples in my life: books 2and Starbucks fishy. Gift cards in large amounts to both Barnes and Noble and Starbucks are essential to my comfort level.

A girl can dream, no?


Why can’t people do their jobs anymore? With the economy the way it is, I would think that if there was a level of incompetence so high as to make customers leave and go elsewhere, that businesses would let substandard employees go with a foot in the ass, and hire someone who isn’t a f@!*ing moron.

Some sage advice

Asshole adviceThis is so very true and unfortunately it has taken me years to understand this and embrace it. And WOW, is it ever good advice.

Personally, I am not prone to bouts of depression; I tend to be more logical than that. Self-esteem is another story altogether. When you live with an asshole who has enough self-esteem to inflate an entire village of socially inept/ my cat is my life/would you like to see my stamp collection nerds, there is no doubt that you and your personality will have to take a seat in the back of the bus. But what’s far worse, is when that asshole continuously opens his mouth to expound upon the all the reasons you yourself are in fact, inept. It starts to sink in, and mold to who you believe you are, tainting all that you are and all that you think and feel and do.

But be warned: If you look around and can’t find the asshole…chances are, the asshole is you.


Not quite yet

cartoon-teen-spyingOver six months later and 13 days until the Man Child turns 17, and still there is no driver’s license. I freely admit that this is in part my fault; I loathe taking him driving. His car is a hunk of crap, which unfortunately, he loves. It makes noises like it will drop the transmission and/or all four tires at any given moment, and it has a very weird smell from all of its previous owners, like stale cigarettes, cheap cologne, and Fritos, all mixed together. Quite nasty. However, the insurance on his car is super inexpensive. To add him to my policy I would have to sell a kidney, or something else kinda vital, on the black market. Besides, I don’t want him driving my car anyway.

The worst part though, is that he DOES. NOT. LISTEN. To anyone. He does okay behind the wheel, with one exception: gassing through turns. He comes almost to a stop, and we have almost been rear-ended more times than my heart can handle. When I tell him what to do, instruct him if you will, he tells me that it is fine and that he was doing everything correctly. Ugh. I seriously hate this. He has no confidence behind the wheel (I have no confidence in him behind the wheel???), and frankly, I don’t know what to do to correct that. The whole thing makes me feel like a horrible parent, like I have failed him somewhere along the line, that I have been lacking in some fundamental way where his upbringing is concerned.

The fact that he is so very much like me doesn’t help the situation. He is shy, reclusive, lacks confidence, hates math to the point that it makes him believe he is stupid in all areas because he doesn’t understand it and struggles to pass simple algebra (I didn’t get over that particular hurdle until college). He is a lover, not a fighter, hating confrontation of any kind. He is content to sit at home and do what makes him comfortable, happy and warm inside and out. And as I see all of these things in him, I realize that they are a reflection of me.

I’m not entirely happy about that. Should I be?

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Doctor SleepCan’t believe I was able to get the nook version so soon after release for only $7.99. I’ve been wanting to read it since I heard it was a thing. Let’s hope it is good!

ETA: I am a Stephen King fan; have been for years. I have TWO Stephen King shelves on my book cases. Do I love all of them? No. I do however, fall into a range of “like” with his books. Meaning that I like all of them to some degree.

Doctor Sleep is one of my favorite King reads. I read many reviews for this book before venturing out to read it myself, and not all of them were good. A lot of people weren’t happy with the Big Bad of the story, The True Knot, claiming that they didn’t understand their purpose in the story (!?). Ummm…really? How’s that, when they are what drives the protagonists of the story?

Oh well. I really enjoyed reading this. There was no skimming, no jumping around, no putting it down to pick up another read. It was good! I liked Danny Torrance in The Shining as a kid, but I liked him better as an adult. And I loved Abra, the little girl with all the niftiness. As per King’s usual, there was a host of supporting characters that you come to know quite well, love them or hate them.

I feel this book really brought things full circle for Dan Torrance, as well as for the reader. For those readers who say that King has lost his touch, I would argue that he has just hit a hot spot. 11/22/63 and Doctor Sleep have both been well worth the wait and the time it takes to read.

Leg Braces and Turkey Trots

Thing Two has completed her first round of PT, and was given braces for both legs, furthering attempts to straighten her out from hips to feet.

The braces are straps and Velcro, starting at the knee, wrapping around her thighs, ending in a wrap around her waist. She is struggling to get them on, and as such, getting her to wear them has been funtastic, so I guess that makes it handy that she is only has to wear them when she is running or going to be up and out and about for long periods of time, for example, trips to Disneyland or Venice Beach.

The braces are not simply something to wear when active; they actually are designed to improve her muscle tone every time she wears them. She wore them to school last week because it was time for the Thanksgiving Turkey Trot, a race where the qualifiers get a chance to race again right before Turkey Break and win a turkey or a pie. Last year Thing One won a pumpkin pie and happily ate it herself. This year, Thing Two ran and came in second out of over 100 girls. And she had no pain.

The physical therapist watched her walk with the braces on, as did I, and it was obvious that she was walking correctly for the first time in her life.

The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon


Just started this and already I am enjoying it.  The prose is lyrical and loaded with imagery that keeps you turning pages.  This is a slow read. .. something to be savored.

ETA: Yeah, this one was good; it was what literature is supposed to be. I am beyond guilty of giving 4 and 5 star ratings to insipid titles simply because they are yummy, goopy, gushy, panty-melting romances. But let’s be clear: Those books are not literature; at least not by my definition. They lack that…something that makes them so. And it is my belief that the authors who can pull off literature today, are few and far between. Vivid imagery, distinctive characters, and an author with a very clear voice made this hard to put down and even harder to forget.

I recommend this read to anyone who enjoys a nice, thick tome to dive into that will transport them to another time and place completely. Just make sure to give it the attention it deserves.